COLOMBIA (AndeanWire, 14 de Septiembre de 2016) Internet´s advanced rhythm in Latin America has made it possible for companies to broaden their grasp, and digital reputation has become a fundamental variable for obtaining business success. This is why AndeanWire, the Latin American newsletter distribution network, provides some pointers, so you can include this component as one of the strengths of your company.

For starters, you must consider that more than 80% of Internet users will probably investigate your brand before making any sort of negotiation with you, especially B2B transactions. This indicates that your brand presence should not only be focused on publicity.

Furthermore, you must also acknowledge there are new rules in marketing and communications. Marketing and communication managers that are able to develop holistic strategies regarding the Internet will acquire sustainability in their company´s market. This means that if the adequate strategies are not implemented, your company could even lose potential clients.

Recent studies show that for every minute online, Google registers more than 2,4 million searches; 120 new accounts are created in Linkedin; 203.596 dollars are made by Amazon; Twitter reaches 347.222 new tweets; among other cases that are formidable motives for Internet to become your best business ally.

For Fernando Basto, Managing Director of AndeanWire, for success regarding brand presence, “there are proven and guaranteed solutions such as sending newsletters or storytelling through digital media. Our process is profitable, efficient and pragmatic. It begins by receiving the newsletter, which will be online in the blink of an eye, due to our efficient distribution model”.

Some of the most attractive benefits are: the creation of a positive digital reputation; support in commercial labor, which can translate in an increase in sales and profit; brand positioning in Google and avoiding your competitors to take the lead, among others.

The benefits this strategy offers for SMEs in the region, is something worth noting. Thus, if strategies for strengthening digital reputation are correctly applied, the chances of an increase in sales, including in an international context (exporting goods and services), are likely.

About AndeanWire
AndeanWire ( is a private international firm with headquarters in Latin America (Bogota- Colombia). It distributes information through its press releases in hundreds of media in Latinamerica. AndeanWire specializes in Spanish for publication in markets such as Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela.

Media Contacts:

Company Name: Fernando Basto C.
Full Name: AndeanWire
Email Address:
